
Keystones Consultants

Our small team comprises of Kellie Butler, Phil Jones, and Heath Addison who combine to offer more than 15 years in specialist women’s domestic violence services and approximately 50 years’ experience in working directly with men who are using violence.

Through our shared commitment to self-reflective practice and the whole of the family lens, Keystone offers current and emerging MBC providers an active leadership capacity versus reactive group work delivery which supports the service delivery aims, your focus, and vision for effective MBC delivery.

Recognised in NSW (Australia) as industry experts and specialist DFV service providers, Kellie, Phil, and Heath offer a range of MBCP consultancy and practice products that support registered, provisional, and potential MBCP providers to enhance their delivery capacity as active, informed and pro-active process of leadership within group work facilitation and partner safety engagement with men who participate in the programs you offer them.

The Keystones team offer 60 + years’ experience in domestic, family and sexualised
violence (DFSV) program development and delivery.

Recognised by the Education Centre Against Violence (NSW Health) as industry experts in this field, the Keystones team continue to make an ongoing contribution to NSW sector development at the local, regional and state levels. As well as the ethical engagement of men, and MBC practice development, our team also share contributions that include, State based policy direction, standards development, pandemic response, MBCP training and the provision of clinical guidance and work force development for staff teams across most current NSW providers. Keystones also have supportive relationships with MBC providers from the ACT and QLD.

Keystones is founded by three company directors who have dedicated careers
responding to trauma, victims support, perpetrator interventions (client centered practice), training and education for organisations that respond to victims of violence, and service providers who engage the user of violence. (Men’s Behaviour Change providers).

Keystones specialise in tailoring policy, program adaption and complete programs packages that meet individual community priorities.
Keystones offer a contemporary best practice approach, supporting State based compliance, risk response & reduction, client retention and engagement through effective programs guidance, implementation and delivery support.

As recognised Domestic and Family Violence Specialists, Kellie Buttler, Phil Jones and
Heath Addison hold a vision for safe and respectful communities in which all members of family live without violence, threat or subjugation.

Keystones are committed to a philanthropic responsibility to financially contribute to community based programs that respond to victims of domestic, family and sexualised violence.

For more information, or to arrange a conversation, call Kellie, Phil or Heath on the
numbers provided or email: [email protected]


Kellie Butler (DFV Specialist)

Kellie has spent a 20 years working with women, children and young people experiencing trauma, in particular in the Domestic and Family Violence Specialist Services and other various residential environments.

Since starting in the Men’s Behaviour Change Sector, in 2016 Kellie has accrued over 1100 hours in lead facilitation of MBC group work, including risk assessment and management.

Kellie has combined experience in working directly with clients in a case management and risk reduction framework, including working in leadership positions throughout her career. Specializing in programs development and models of intervention which encourage and enhance teams-based practice, clinical guidance that includes offering teams and practitioner supervision. Kellie supports practice development that meets the expectations prescribed for best practice standards within current risk reduction frameworks.

Phil Jones (Grad Cert.)

Phil’s career experience has been focused in the areas of Domestic Violence and Men`s Behaviour Change including advocating for the safety of women and children through working extensively with men.

For the past 13 years Phil has been involved in educating both the community and government sectors in engaging men. In particular men who use violence.
Phil is a Domestic Violence and Men’s Behaviour Change Specialist, working within this sector over the past 28 years.
Phil’s most recent roles have been as a Men’s Behaviour Change Practitioner, ECAV (Education Centre Against Violence-NSW Health) Trainer, Clinical Supervisor and Co Facilitator of Groups for men who experienced childhood sexual abuse.

Heath Addison (M.A. Hons)

Heath offers a broad range of counselling services, specialising in Narrative informed response to trauma, restorative practice, supervision and secondary consult.

As well as domestic violence interventions with men who abuse women and children,

Heath has experience with EAP critical incident response and debrief, secondary consult and domestic violence interventions with DCJ staff, management and clients.

Heath is recognised by NSW Health as an industry expert in this domain, where he provides training, development and consultation, as well as supervision for community services sector staff (NGO / Government) and emerging provider organisations in the sphere of domestic violence, perpetrator interventions.

At the State level Heath also held the position of NSW Practice development officer with No to Violence (NSW).

Having developed and delivered a range of training and consulting services for family intervention and response to violence, Heath embraces a Narrative approach to supervision, in that ‘The professional – Is personal – Is political.

Heath currently delivers a range of consulting services, supervision and training to staff and organisations across NSW, the ACT and Queensland.

Heath has also been Chair of the NSW Men’s Behaviour Change Network (2017-18).

As a counselling specialist Heath has under graduate qualifications from Monash University, a post graduate diploma in counselling (University of New England) and a Masters Degree (Hons) in Narrative Therapy (Melbourne University).

Heath is a member of the Australian Counselling Association and has comprehensive specialist insurance as an accountable therapeutic practitioner.

Heath is also a current sitting member of the Education Centre Against Violence (NSW Health) with a Graduate Certificate in Mens Behaviour Change Individual and Group Work Interventions (10713NAT) – Advisory Board. (2023-24).

Proud Community Partners