Child and Youth Programs

Children & Young People Projects

(Responding to the impacts of trauma. Responding to Reproductions of Trauma within Trauma)

Tree Of Life Group Program

Keystones also offer a DV response specific – Tree of Life –  groupwork program that can be delivered as a 1 day, 2 day, 8 week or 16 week group model for victim/survivor cohorts of women, children and young people.

The Tree of Life program is a therapeutic intervention designed to support children and young people who have experienced Domestic and Family Violence (DFV). The program is based on the principles of trauma-informed care and aims to promote resilience, healing, and empowerment in children who have been exposed to violence.

Who is the program for?

The Tree of Life program is designed for children and young people aged 8-18 who have experienced Domestic and Family Violence. The program is suitable for individuals who have been exposed to violence, as well as those who have been directly involved in the violence.

What are the benefits of the program?

The Tree of Life program has been shown to have several benefits for children and young people who have experienced DFV, including:

  • Improved emotional regulation and coping skills
  • Enhanced sense of self-esteem and self-worth
  • Increased feelings of safety and security
  • Development of healthy relationships skills
  • Improved academic performance and attendance
  • Reduced symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Overall, the Tree of Life program is a comprehensive and evidence-based intervention that aims to promote healing, resilience, and empowerment in children and young people who have experienced Domestic and Family Violence.

The Tree of Life is a hopeful and inspiring approach to working with children, young people and adults who have experienced Domestic Violence related trauma. This methodology was co-developed through a partnership between Ncazelo Ncube (who was working at REPSSI at the time) and David Denborough (Dulwich Centre Foundation). Ncazelo and David initially developed this Tree of Life approach to assist colleagues who work with children affected by HIV/AIDS in southern Africa. This approach has proved so successful and popular that it is now being used with children, young people, and adults in a wide range of countries across Africa, and also in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Russia, Nepal, the USA, and elsewhere.

Youth Abuse – Self Regulation – Program Walkin’ the Talk

Walk’in the Talk is an 8 week (20 hour) CBT self regulation program for at risk young people who struggle with self regulation and respond in ways that isolate them and cause harm.

This program has been run with great success for vulnerable populations of teens and young adults, and is suited to people aged 12-20 years. It is best delivered to age defined cohorts (12-14, 14-16, 16-18,18-20) and is suited for groups of young men, young women and others. Walk the talk engages young people from their own context and supports capacity for identifying escalation trend and decision making under pressure.

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