
Buddy Bags are important

As recognised Domestic and Family Violence Specialists, Kellie Butler, Phil Jones and Heath Addison hold a vision for safe and respectful communities in which all members of family live without violence, threat or subjugation.

Keystones are committed to a philanthropic responsibility to contribute to community-based programs that respond to victims of domestic, family and sexualised violence and are proud community partners of the Alannah and Madeline Foundation.

In the past 12 months, Keystones have proudly funded almost 100 buddy bags and counting!

Buddy Bags

Trauma-informed care
Buddy Bags are filled with carefully selected items that focus on the physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing of children and young people.

The Buddy Bag backpacks include:
• new pyjamas, socks and underwear, so they can dress in clean clothes
• a toothbrush, toothpaste, face washer and hairbrush to attend to their personal care needs
• a book to relax the mind, a trauma-informed toy for healing play – and an all-important teddy bear to cuddle for emotional comfort.

A Buddy Bag is something tangible a child or young person can call their own, helping to meet their immediate need – while showing them they are special, that people care for them, and that they matter.