Women’s Programs

Women’s Projects – Victim Survivor Groups

Keystones offer a range of group work projects for women’s and / or family support services who engage women who are experiencing, or have experienced violence, abuse or threat at the hands of partners, carers or loved ones.

Women’s Group: Re-Author the Story

Keystones offer a victims survivor, women’s group program supplement, based upon Narrative Therapy – ‘migration of identity’, re-authoring conversations and outsider witness practice. (All templates provided – no prior training required).

The Narrative therapy groupwork supplement is informed by the weekly check out sheets, which are a unique innovation to the Keystones model and facilitation planning and fullest group work experience. The Check out sheets are a cognitive behavioural (CBT) tool to support women’s individual safety assessments and group work connection through shared story’s of resistance, insight and dignity.

Keystones have developed their model on the Narrative Therapy Migration of Identity Map and the ‘Re-membering’ Conversations Map, (theory of ‘reintegration’), whilst bringing the group together with shared story development and affiliation, using Outsider Witness Practice.

This is a truly beautiful approach to evolving women’s ideas and actions for resistance to violence, dignity & safety planning responses in the face of abuse. An interactive group work process’ for women responding to the impacts of abuse, preservation and women’s agency, (White, 2005) & Response Based Practice (Insight Exchange, 2024).

Tree Of Life Group – Group Program

Keystones also offer a Domestic Family Violence response specific – Tree of Life –  groupwork program that can be delivered as a 1 day, 2 day, 8 week or 16 week group model for victim/survivor cohorts of women, children and young people.

The Tree of Life Program: A Holistic Approach to Recovery

The Tree of Life program is a comprehensive, trauma-informed, and evidence-based program designed to support women who have experienced domestic and family violence. The program aims to help women recover from the trauma and rebuild their lives, promoting a sense of safety, empowerment, and well-being.

The Tree of Life program aims to help women:

  1. Process and heal from the trauma of domestic and family violence
  2. Develop a sense of safety, security, and empowerment
  3. Build resilience and coping skills
  4. Improve their mental health and well-being
  5. Develop healthy relationships with themselves and others
  6. Achieve their personal goals and aspirations

The Tree of Life program is a comprehensive and holistic approach to supporting women who have experienced domestic and family violence. By providing a safe, supportive environment, education, skills-building, and crisis support, the program aims to empower women to heal from trauma, build resilience, and thrive in their lives.

The Tree of Life is a hopeful and inspiring approach to working with children, young people and adults who have experienced Domestic Violence related trauma. This methodology was co-developed through a partnership between Ncazelo Ncube (who was working at REPSSI at the time) and David Denborough (Dulwich Centre Foundation). Ncazelo and David initially developed this Tree of Life approach to assist colleagues who work with children affected by HIV/AIDS in southern Africa.

This approach has proved so successful and popular that it is now being used with children, young people, and adults in a wide range of countries across Africa, and also in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Russia, Nepal, the USA, and elsewhere.

Proud Community Partners